I love engaging in community projects, its often something I do in the winter months when I'm less busy with wedding, tourism and family shoots.
A Colourful Community' is a book of portraits I self published 7 years ago capturing the spirit of the local Coromandel people. Get in touch if you would like to purchase a copy for $50.
Treasured Chests was a wonderful Calendar project raising money for breast cancer. Each month features 'breast art' created by local artists and modelled by some brave local women.
A Colourful Community' is a book of portraits I self published 7 years ago capturing the spirit of the local Coromandel people. Get in touch if you would like to purchase a copy for $50.
Treasured Chests was a wonderful Calendar project raising money for breast cancer. Each month features 'breast art' created by local artists and modelled by some brave local women.
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44 images